Dr. Andrew Snelling from Answers in Genesis (AiG) has been denied a permit to conduct geological research in the Grand Canyon. A lawsuit has been filed on his behalf by the civil liberties organization Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) naming the Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP), and alleging that the civil liberties of Dr. Snelling were violated when he was twice denied a permit by the GCNP to continue research in the canyon due to his religious and scientific views. Dr. Snelling holds a doctorate in geology from the University of Sydney and has written numerous articles in peer-reviewed, mainstream geological journals. His proposed research was to collect 40 small samples at folds inside the Grand Canyon where the layers were bent and not shattered because the rocks were still soft as they folded, allegedly remaining soft over a period of 450 million years.
His study could produce results that would undermine the view promoted within the GCNP that the Grand Canyon formed over millions of years. Dr. Snelling has stated, 'This case is all about giving the freedom for a scientist to do good science without having to undergo a religious litmus test…We expect debate about what the evidence means, but the park shouldn't prevent us from collecting data just like other scientists. I am merely asking for equal treatment by the government.' Please pray for Dr. Snelling and the principles that he and ADF are fighting for.
Off-site Links:
- https://answersingenesis.org/about/press/2017/05/09/discrimination-lawsuit-filed-christian-geologist-grand-canyon/
- http://www.adflegal.org/detailspages/blog-details/allianceedge/2017/05/09/grand-canyon-national-park-continues-history-of-hostility-toward-religion
- http://www.adfmedia.org/files/SnellingComplaint.pdf