Harvard Theological Review has decided not to publish Karen King's paper on the Coptic papyrus fragment on the grounds that the fragment is probably a fake
'This from an email Dr. Craig Evans, the Payzant Distinguished Professor of New Testament at Acadia University and Divinity College, sent to me [Dr. Daniel Wallace] earlier today. He said that Helmut Koester (Harvard University), Bentley Layton (Yale University), Stephen Emmel (University of Münster), and Gesine Robinson (Claremont Graduate School)-all first-rate scholars in Coptic studies-have weighed in and have found the fragment wanting. No doubt Francis Watson's comprehensive work showing the fragment's dependence on the Gospel of Thomas was a contributing factor for this judgment, as well as the rather odd look of the Coptic that already raised several questions as to its authenticity.' -Dr. Daniel Wallace
Quoted from Dr. Wallace's Blog at: Jesus' Wife Fragment Judged A Fake
Update on 9/26/2012 around 7:30 PM EST:
Dr. Wallace has published another brief blog post that seems to indicate Harvard has changed its mind. There seem to be some conflicting reports: 'After I posted the news which I received from Dr. Craig Evans that HTR was not going to publish the fragment because it had been judged to be a fake, I then got news that HTR was going to publish it. Here's the link that gives the data': Religion News.com