The Temple of Artemis of the Ephesians, once considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, has fallen into a state of disrepair through neglect. Not much of its former splendor remains: one marble pillar stands, while other pieces lie haphazardly around the site. A rusty welcome sign and old excavation holes filled with rainwater have turned the temple area into a swamp. The temple is on the UNESCO Cultural Heritage list and draws millions of tourists each year. Some authorities have expressed frustration at the slow pace of plans to improve the temple site, which seem mired in the red tape of environmental planning, preservation board approval, and permission from the Turkish Culture and Tourism Ministry. In Acts 19, the historian Luke records a riot that took place at the Ephesus Theater because the silversmiths who made their living from the Temple of Artemis saw their livelihoods endangered as many people became Christians and gave up their idol worship.
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