An ancient inscription which contains the word 'logos' has been discovered on the walls of a basilica at the agora of Smyrna (modern-day Izmir, Turkey). The words in the inscription go both top-to-bottom and left-to-right in five columns, resembling a crossword puzzle, with the word 'logos' in the center. Because of the significance of the word 'Logos' to early Christians (Jn 1:1), excavators believe it may be evidence of Christian graffiti on the walls, although its exact meaning has not been determined yet. The city of Smyrna is known among archaeologists for its ancient wall writings and drawings, which include Greek words, drawings of dogs, ships, and gladiators, as well as love poems. In the Bible, Smyrna was one of the churches which the Apostle John was commanded to write to in the book of Revelation (Rv 1:11; 2:8-17).
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