The secretary-general of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities recently announced the discovery of a cemetery dating to the New Kingdom period at Al-Ghoreifa in Tuna Al-Gabal. Numerous rock-hewn tombs were found, containing anthropoid limestone sarcophagi and decorated wooden coffins. In addition, canopic jars, amulets, and a 13-to-15-foot papyrus copy of the Book of the Dead was also discovered. Some of the items belonged to an overseer of the Taurus of Amun Temple, named Djehuty, and to Nany, his singer, as well as to other important priests and ancient Egyptian officials. It appears the cemetery was reused in the Late Period (ca. 664 BC – 332 BC). This discovery will help scholars better understand Egyptian burial practices in the New Kingdom period (ca. 1552 – 1069 BC), which, according to a literal, biblical chronology is the period in which the Exodus took place.
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