Over the last two decades the search for Noah's Ark has received international attention. Dozens of expeditions to the Ararat region of eastern Turkey, mostly by American Christian groups, have led to numerous claims - but no proof.
According to the Bible, Noah's Ark was a large barge constructed of wood and sealed with bitumen. Its overall dimensions were at least 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high with three interior decks. A window appeared to be constructed around the top (Genesis 6:14-16). Incidentally, the overall size of the Ark makes it the largest seagoing vessel known before the 20th century, and its proportions are amazingly similar to the large ocean liners of today.
- Noah’s Ark Discovered Again?
- An Armenian perspective on the search for Noah's ark
- A localized flood?
- Did the BASE Institute Discover Noah's arkDid the BASE Institute Discover Noah's ark?
- Noah's ark in Iran?
- Has anyone discovered Noah's ark?
- Mount Cudi: The True Mountain of Noah's Ark in the Fall 2006 Issue of Bible and Spade [PDF] and
The Case for Ararat in the Fall 2006 Issue of Bible and Spade [PDF] BAS19_4.pdf