Dear Friend of ABR, I write today with a mixture of emotions, reflecting on the events of September 11th, just over a decade ago when the United States was viciously attacked by terrorists connected with the militant islamist organization, Al Qaeda. It is hard to believe that 12 years have passed since those days of shock, sadness, courage, and resolve.
The testing of our nation raised our awareness of how evil can indeed touch our lives, and if we are vigilant, will help us be awake and aware of future threats before us in this violent, sin-sick world. Clearly, testing touches the lot of every generation…my grandfather in WWI, my father in WWII… and in this generation as well. Praise God for all the brave men and women who have served to fight for our freedoms and to defend and protect our right to live in liberty.
Courage and vigilance are needed in every generation…not just in our national interests, but in especially in the hearts of those of name Christ as Savior and Lord. I was reminded where my priorities need to be found in listening to a wonderful hymn by Charles Wesley. He wrote,
I would the precious time redeem,
And longer live for this alone,
To spend and to be spent for them
Who have not yet my Savior known;
Fully on these my mission prove,
And only breathe, to breathe Thy love.
Our calling is to Christ alone, and to actively, courageously proclaim the gospel to a dying world. In my work here at ABR I have been reminded powerfully by God's Spirit that though the biblical, theological, and historical issues for which we contend are critically important, we must not forget our ultimate calling to proclaim Christ. How easy it is to become swallowed up the minutiae of debate and discussion… even surrounding important and sometime essential biblical issues! I never want to lose my passion for the lost and their need of the saving gospel. Wesley said it best,
Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim,
And publish abroad his wonderful name;
The name all-victorious of Jesus extol,
His kingdom is glorious and rules over all.
Amen. Would you assist ABR in our calling to proclaim the gospel and to defend the faith? As you weigh your giving priorities in these challenging times, please consider a generous gift to support this ministry. Coming out of the summer months our support has dropped 20% from last year at this time. I am very concerned that a number of our strategic projects will be curtailed unless we see a strong response I will be grateful for your commitment to pray for us and to help us financially as we enter the Fall.
Remember, archaeology is one of the most powerful weapons in our apologetics arsenal, and ABR is strategically positioned to articulate its value to those hungry for truth; if used well it often opens up the minds of those locked into the assumptions of naturalism and humanism. It peels away the lies of historical revisionists and exposes them to the reality that the Bible is true, and the God of the Bible is the One that they ignore to their eternal peril.
Thank you for your continuing support as we take the message of Jesus' saving work into the firestorm of lies and deceit in this culture. Thank you for praying for us for victory as we serve the King of Kings.
Scott Lanser
ABR Director