We are quickly moving toward that very special time of year when our hearts and minds are drawn to the mystery of the incarnation in that humble town of Bethlehem. After two thousand years we are still captivated at the drama of God breaking into history, Jesus cradled in Mary's womb until the day appointed in the plan of the sovereign God of time and eternity.
'Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.' - James 1:17
Dear Friends of ABR,
We are quickly moving toward that very special time of year when our hearts and minds are drawn to the mystery of the incarnation in that humble town of Bethlehem. After two thousand years we are still captivated at the drama of God breaking into history, Jesus cradled in Mary's womb until the day appointed in the plan of the sovereign God of time and eternity.
Of all the gifts given to mankind, this was the greatest gift of all. No greater light, no greater wisdom, no greater love could be given…God had given us His one and only Son. And as the days passed till His ministry began, Jesus grew in wisdom and stature with God and man. Then in obedience to the will of the Father, the Son would offer up His life, to suffer and die so that He could bestow the gift of eternal life upon all those who dared to put their trust in Him.
Jesus set the example for all of us who call upon His name and who seek to honor Him. Jesus reached out to those who needed Him, and spoke into their hearts. He often sought to remove the stumbling blocks keeping them from putting their trust in Him: The rich young ruler's money, the Samaritan woman's prejudices, the doubting of Thomas, the distractions of Martha. To receive the Gift that God offers, many people need to have their stumbling blocks confronted and their doubts assuaged. This is what ABR has been tirelessly doing this year and throughout its 45 years of ministry. What stumbling blocks you may ask? Here are just a few striking examples of the lies that this generation has embraced:The original Bible texts are lost, and the ones we have are full of errors. The Bible can't be trusted
- The people and places the Bible mentions never existed, including the Israelites in Egypt, the conquest of the promised land under Joshua, and the Monarchy under David and Solomon
- There was never a Jesus like the Bible describes because there is no historical evidence
- There were other lost gospels that tell a new and 'real' story of Jesus
- Suffering exists because God isn't powerful enough to stop it or He doesn't care to stop it
Just as Jesus spoke into the confusion of His generation, we are speaking into ours with His wisdom and power and the knowledge of the truth. We affirm biblical history, the authority of the biblical text, and the life-changing truth of the gospel.
More than ever we need your help to continue this important work. As you consider the gifts you will give this Christmas, would you kindly keep ABR in mind? Your year-end gift can help propel ABR into another successful year of ministry and outreach to those who are seeking to know the truth. Thank you for your generosity and for your prayers in support of ABR!
Jesus is God's good and perfect gift, coming down from the Father of lights. Let us celebrate Him and give thanks for God's unspeakable gift.
Giving all for the King of Kings,
Scott Lanser
Director of ABR